Free download Springer volume CCIS 2088


The ASITA 2023 virtual conference (Academy) will provide a moment for assessing the latest developments of Survey Sciences that evolved to what is presently known as Geomatics: in particular, theoretical, technical and institutional issues related to instruments and applications are expected to be debated. Participants are therefore specifically invited to discuss:

(i) about the role of Geomatics in the Next Generation EU framework (PNRR in Italy) with special concerns about the ongoing related National projects (authors are invited to present ongoing actions in their own countries);

(ii) about the state-of-the art and case studies involving geomatically-based Official Products and Services from institutional subjects (e.g. Copernicus);

(iii) about instances related to the growing need of standardization and validation procedures of geographical and Earth Observation data/product/Services with special concerns about the expected roles they can have within monitoring/control actions from institutional subjects (e.g. CAP controls. Natural Hazards, etc.)


Video 18th December part 1

Video 18th December part 2

Video 20th December 


PROGRAM #AsitaAcademy2023



Application fees #AsitaAcademy2023

First paper proposed
Full fee 250,00 Euro
AIC, AIT, AMFM, SIFET Associates 200,00 Euro
GFOSS Associates 200,00 Euro

Second paper proposed by the same authors
Full fee 100,00 Euro
AIC, AIT, AMFM, SIFET Associates 100,00 Euro
GFOSS Associates 100,00 Euro

Payment methods
All application fees must be paid exclusively via:
Bank transfer: Banca Popolare di Sondrio Milano
IBAN IT90Q0569601620000010343X82
IMPORTANT NOTE: the reason of the payment must mention “AsitaAcademy application fee”.


Welcomed Topics

Considering the title of the event “Actual and Expected Roles of Geomatics within the Next Generation EU framework: from Science to Public Services” all contributions are expected to somehow refer to it in terms of actual or potential experiences involving Geomatics and in particular:

  1. Positioning, Navigation and Operational Geodesy
  2. Platforms and Sensors for Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry
  3. Methods and Procedures for Remote Sensing Data Processing
  4. UAV/UGV – based Application of Geomatics
  5. Geomatics for Cultural Heritage and Landscape Analysis
  6. Geomatics for Forestry
  7. Geomatics for Precision Agriculture
  8. Geomatics for Survey and Monitoring of Structures and Infrastructures
  9. Geomatics for Natural Hazards and Risk
  10. Geomatics and Sustainable Development
  11. Spatial Modeling and Mapping of Diseases
  12. GeoAnalytics, AI and Decision Support
  13. GeoData: Big, Open and Official
  14. Open Geodata and Homogenization of Geospatial Information
  15. SDI and Interoperability: Now and Beyond
  16. GIS for Smart Cities, Sustainability, Land use Planning
  17. Official Cartography and Public Administration
  18. Maritime, Military and Technical Cartography
  19. Historical Toponymy
  20. Historical GIS and Cartography
  21. Positioning and Location Intelligence: Indoor and Outdoor Applications
  22. BIM (Building Information Modelling)
  23. Smart Technologies for Geomatics
  24. Location-Based Services and Web Mapping
  25. Geoinformation in Education
  26. New Perspectives in Geomatics


ASITA 2023 Proceedings Publishing Policy

Springer is currently evaluating to include  a selection of contributions presented by authors to the ASITA #Academy2023 within a Volume of the series “Communications in Computer and Information Science” (CCIS). CCIS proceedings volume will be published by Springer and is SCOPUS indexed.

High quality and scientific soundness are required for all papers to be included in the Volume. Submitted contributions will undergo a double blind review process through the Springer Equi nOCS system (link will be provided soon). Corresponding authors will receive reviewer feedbacks about their manuscripts and will be asked to revise them accordingly.
Submitted paper have to be formatted according to the Springer’s authors’ guidelines and templates.

Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers.

The corresponding author of each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The author signing the copyright form must be the corresponding one. Once the files have been sent to Springer, changes about authorship of papers cannot be made anymore.
If authors contributing to ASITA 2023 are interested in Open Access or Open Choice, they have to refer to the Springer’s webpage. In this case the address(es) for invoice(s) and CC-BY Consent-to-Publish form (s) must be provided together with the camera ready paper.
Authors should also consider that an anti-plagiarism tool will be used for each submitted manuscript.





Scientific Committee

Enrico Borgogno Mondino (University of Torino), Paola Zamperlin (University of Pisa), Michele Grimaldi (University of Salerno), Elena Dai Prà (University of Trento), Maria Antonietta Dessena (ENAS Sardegna), Andrea Fiduccia (Sapienza University of Roma), Francesco Guerra (IUAV – University of Venice), Maria Teresa Melis (University of Cagliari), Stefano Nicolodi (Fondazione GeGL Provincia di Firenze), Antonio Ganga (University of Sassari), Francesco Pirotti (University of Padova), Cinzia Podda (University of Sassari), Domenico Sguerso (University of Genova), Paolo Dabove (Politecnico di Torino), Alberto Giordano (Texas State University), Stefania Bertazzon (University Of Calgary), Héctor Jaime Hernández Palma (University of Chile), Francesco Nex (University of Twente), Filiz Sunar (Istanbul Technical University), Sandro Bimonte (INRAE Clermont Ferrand, France)



Federazione ASITA

Piazzale Morandi, 2

20121 Milano

C.F. 02037620347

tel 329 9860457
