Mese: Aprile 2023
 /   /  Mese: Aprile 2023

#ASITA2024 Conference “Springer publication”, First announcement and call for abstract

ASITA is the event where professionals, Academicians, researchers, technicians, institutional players and companies and more generally all people using Geomatics can meet and share ideas, opportunities, experiences and needs within a multidisciplinary framework aimed at proposing “best practices” useful for an effective technological transfer of research results. ASITA 2024 in Padova will be a great

!!!Nuove scadenze #AsitaAcademy2023!!!

Deadlines – NEW Notification of acceptance under condition (from this moment full paper can be edited and sent): 30th June 2023 – NEW Full paper submission : 31st July 2023 – Notification of acceptance (full paper) and revision requests are sent to authors within 1st September 2023 – Submission of the camera ready paper (including revisions) ends

Convegno Annuale AIC 2023

Convegno Annuale AIC Rovereto, 27 – 29 settembre 2023 DAL PORTULANUS ALLA CARTOGRAFIA DIGITALE. NUOVI ITINERARI EURISTICI PER LA GOVERNANCE DEI TERRITORI Il Convegno annuale AIC 2023 vuole costituire un’occasione per riflettere sulla natura e sulle potenzialità della cartografia come dispositivo polisemico di comunicazione territoriale, imprescindibile e fondamentale, e come scienza analitica e applicata, orientata

Federazione ASITA

Piazzale Morandi, 2

20121 Milano

C.F. 02037620347

tel 329 9860457
